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Bailey’s Love Tips: Little Ways to Show Your Partner You Love Them

Here at Bailey’s, it’s no secret that we love to commemorate special moments in life with jewelry. Whether it’s a birthday, an anniversary, a big accomplishment, or a holiday, one of our favorite ways to express love is with a gift. However, showing someone that you love them doesn’t always have to mean diamonds or gold! Life is about the little things and a healthy relationship is no different. Whether it be folding the laundry or walking the dog, small, loving gestures really add up. 

Our owners, Jane and Clyde Bailey, have been married for 50 years and they set the perfect example of expressing love in little ways. Every single morning, with no exception, Clyde always puts toothpaste on Jane’s toothbrush so that it’s there for her when she gets up to brush her teeth. No matter if he is waking up early to go fishing, or they are on vacation, he shows his daily dedication by putting her toothpaste on her toothbrush. 

Having seen this simple act of love mean so much throughout the years, Trey, decided to implement his own version of putting toothpaste on his wife’s toothbrush into his own relationship. Being that Marci is from Canada, tea is super important to her. She has fond memories of sharing tea with friends or family and sitting around the table, chatting over a hot cup. Every morning, Trey makes Marci’s tea and puts it on her bedside table so that she can have it right when she wakes up. If Trey is leaving the house early, he will put the honey and the tea bag beside the kettle with Marci’s favorite cup so that she can still have her tea. 

These generations of the Bailey family are an incredible example of expressing love in little ways that add up to mean a lot. Love can be as easy as toothpaste and tea! 

Here are 20 more of our favorite ideas for expressing your love through the little things:

  1. Unload the dishwasher or take out the trash. 
  2. Put on your partner’s favorite music while they get ready in the morning
  3. Cook them their favorite dinner or dessert
  4. Leave a handwritten note beside their bed or in their car
  5. Tell them that they look great! Compliment their outfit or their shoes
  6. Cheer them on! Tell them that you’re proud of them
  7. Hold hands on the couch or in the car
  8. Give them your full attention! Put your phone down and listen. 
  9. Make them a homemade card or gift
  10. Bake their favorite treat!
  11. Ask your partner about their job and their friends
  12. Find a show that you can watch together and make it a tradition
  13. Say “Thank you” often for big things and little things
  14. Text them in the middle of the day and let them know you’re thinking of them
  15. Send them a photo of something that reminded you of them
  16. Bring them flowers – pick them, buy them from a supermarket or call a florist! It’s a sweet gesture no matter how much you spend
  17. Set aside time to spend together, no matter how busy you are
  18. Make an effort to make plans with the people that matter to your partner
  19. Ask them for advice! Let them know that you value their experience and opinion
  20. Do something that they love together!

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